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🌟 Avicenna's October Highlights: Innovations and Enhancements Galore!

🌟 Avicenna's October Highlights: Innovations and Enhancements Galore!

Hello Fabulous Avicenna Community,

October has been a bustling month at Avicenna Research, filled with exciting updates and significant enhancements. We've been hard at work refining our platform, and we're eager to share these developments with you. Let’s take a closer look at what we’ve accomplished.

πŸš€ Key Innovations and Enhancements

  1. πŸ”” Customizable Notification Templates
    • Now you can use dynamic placeholders as part of your notification templates, to achieve a more personalized content for your participants, such as their name or activity data. This helps enhancing user engagement and relevance in your study.
  2. πŸ” Enhancements in Data Filtering
    • We have improved capabilities in our data filtering feature. Now you can better manage your filters, save and duplicate them, export them as CSV, and other options that can help you manage your complex filters. We hope this helps you improve your data analysis.
  3. πŸ› οΈ Technical Infrastructure Upgrades
    • We have implemented multiple improvements to our backend server. This including updating to the latest version of Firebase Cloud Messaging, and other functional upgrades for a robust platform foundation.
  4. 🌐 Internationalization Efforts
    • We have made updates to our German user interface, to improve the interaction of German-speaking participants with our software, and eliminate any potential confusion. For this, we should thank our current German users for providing continuous feedback as to how we should change our wordings.
  5. πŸ—“οΈ API Streamlining
    • We are shifting our APIs from GraphQL to REST. This improves our platform's efficiency and performance. It also helps better monitoring auditing interactions with our software.

πŸ” A Closer Look at the Impact

Each update this month has been designed with you in mind. From ensuring a smoother chat experience to enhancing the security of your data, our focus has been on creating a more efficient, secure, and enjoyable experience for our users. These updates represent not just technical advancements but also our commitment to evolving with and for our community.

πŸ“£ We Want to Hear from You!

Your feedback is vital in shaping our journey. We invite you to explore these updates and share your experiences and insights with us. Join the conversation on our Community Forum or reach out to us directly via Email. Your thoughts and suggestions play a crucial role in our continuous improvement.

As we step into November, we promise to keep the momentum going with more updates and innovations. Stay connected, stay updated, and let's make Avicenna Research an even better place together!